The World Transformed 2018
22nd - 25th September
Deconstructing Neoliberalism: An Easy Morning Reading Group
Neoliberalism isn’t just an economic programme. It’s a whole world-view, that has very particular ideas about how we should live. Over three days, we’ll look at one reading per session, covering the ways in which neoliberal ideology tries to turn us into competitive entrepreneurs in every aspect of our lives; how it tries to convince us that the social elite deserve their privilege; and how it even co-opts the language of feminism.
Eco-Corbynism Reading Group
What would the convergence of the labour movement and the ecology movements that Raymond Williams called for in 1984 look like today and what are the blockages that need to be overcome? How can we ground contemporary eco-socialism in anti-imperialist, anti-racist and feminist as well as class struggles? We will explore these questions through reading texts from Williams, Mies, Jason W. Moore and Raj Patel and Andreas Malm.
Reading Group on Anti-Semitism
The left needs to understand antisemitism much better in order to fight it better. This reading group will explore the history of antisemitism and discuss how and why it continues to pollute societies today - we will read texts that help us think more carefully about the problem of antisemitism and texts that fail to grapple with the problem so that we can discuss what's wrong with them. The World Transformed doesn't endorse everything in these texts, but we will use them to show how the left sometimes fails to take antisemitism seriously, as well as the limits of some of the thinking about antisemitism today. The reading group will allow us to pause for thought, something we strongly believe is a vital part of a truly progressive politics.
Core reading
Jews for Economic Justice (2017) Understanding Antisemitism: an offering to our movement, JFREJ: New York. View PDF
Sunday: Antisemitism Ever After
Rodinson, Maxime (1983) ‘A Bit of Clarity at the Outset’ in
Cult, ghetto, and state: the persistence of the Jewish
question, Saqi Books.
(1983) ‘Introduction to Leon, Abram A Materialist
Interpretation of the Jewish Question’ in Rodinson, Maxime
Cult, ghetto, and state: the persistence of the Jewish
question, Saqi Books.
Monday: The Only Jewish Story
Crenshaw, Kimberlé (1991). Mapping the margins: Identity politics, intersectionality, and violence against women. Stanford Law Review, 43(6), 1241-1299. View PDF
Rosenblum, April (2007) The Past Didn't Go Anywhere: Making Resistance to Antisemitism Part of All of Our Movements. View PDF
Tuesday: Solidarity Forever
Baldwin, James (1967) Negroes are anti-Semitic because they're anti-White. New York Times Magazine, 9, 112-22. View PDF
Meer, Nasar, & Noorani, Tehseen (2008). A sociological comparison of anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim sentiment in Britain. The Sociological Review, 56(2), 195- 219. View PDF