The World Transformed 2018
22nd - 25th September
Name and affiliation | Details | Sessions |
Aaron Bastani
Co-founder and senior editor at Novara Media, journalist and author of 'Fully Automated Luxury Communism' |
From Below: A Party Fit for the 21st Century?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
I'm Literally a Communist: Marx at 200
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Adam Klug
Co-founder and former National Organiser of Momentum and organiser for The World Transformed |
Big Organising: Harnessing the Power of Volunteers
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Bringing TWT to your community
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Adam Ramsay
Adam Ramsay is the Co-Editor of openDemocracyUK and also works with Bright Green. Before, he was a full time campaigner with People & Planet. |
What happened to the British ruling class?
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Adjoa Andoh
Is an actress of stage and screen; appearing in the films as diverse as 'Invictus' and 'Adulthood', and on stage in productions ranging from 'His Dark Materials' to 'The Vagina Monologues'. |
In Clem's Own Words
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Aidan Harper
Member of the 4 Day Week Campaign, and a researcher in work and social policy for the New Economics Foundation (NEF) |
A 4 Day Week: The Time is Now!
(Tuesday 15:00-16:45)
Akram Salhab
Migrants Organise |
Invisible Histories: Racism's Past and Present
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Alan Finlayson
Alan Finlayson is a British political theorist and political scientist. He is Professor of Political and Social Theory at The University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom | |
Alan Gibbons
Alan Gibbons is an English writer of children's books , commited anti-fascist and winner of a Blue Peter Book Award. |
Britain's New Far Right
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Alex Mayer MEP
MEP for East of England |
Liverpool: Time for Ten Launch & Supersizing the McStrike!
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Ali Mussell
Early Years Teacher, Radical Education Forum |
From Cradle to Grave: Developing Labour's National Education Service
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Alia Malak
Alia Malak is a British-Palestinian based in London. She holds an MA in Human Rights from the University of Sussex and has previously been published in Electronic Intifada, Novara Media and Al Jazeera English. |
Solidarity with Palestinians: Challenging UK Militarism
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Alice Kinghorn-Gray
Campaign Organiser for Electoral Reform Society (Scotland), organiser for 'Act As If We Own The Place', works on relations between the municipalist movements across Spain and Scotland |
Power for the Many: A Radical Agenda for Democracy
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Alice Martin
Alice is Head of Work and Pay at the New Economics Foundation and is author of Why We Need Trade Unions in the 21st Century (Polity Press, 2019). |
A 4 Day Week: The Time is Now!
(Tuesday 15:00-16:45)
Alison McGarry
Labour activist and chair of Islington North CLP. Alison is an International tradeUnion/NGO advisor and trainer. |
Developing Women Leaders in Labour
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Amal Bider
Amal has a focus on anti-racist and and anti-islamophobia organising. Recently, she has been working in communities particularly in response to the Grenfell Tragedy. She is particularly interested in youth empowerment and young people's involvement in political activism. Amal has worked on documenting narratives from Eritrean refugees and their harsh journeys and has also ran workshops on tackling islamophobia. |
Generation Solidarity
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Andrew Cumbers
Political economist |
Taking What's Ours: Public Ownership from Below?
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Andrew Towers
Head of Political Strategy at CWU |
Taking What's Ours: Public Ownership from Below?
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Andrew Whyment
Theatre director, facilitator of education and participation projects and Labour Party activist |
Kids Write Plays!
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Andy Greene
Disabled People Against Cuts |
Disrupting the Status Quo
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Angela Phillips
Professor of Journalism at Goldsmiths, University of London and the co-author of Misunderstanding News Audiences, Seven Myths of the Social Media Era (2018) which considers the impact of news personalisation on media consumption and democracy. |
Occupy Fleet Street: How to Democratise the British Media
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Ann Feltham
Parliamentary Co-ordinator of Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) |
Disarmament and Diversification: Do Jobs Justify Making Nuclear Weapons?
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Ann Henderson
Labour NEC and University of Edinburgh rector |
Why the Labour Party Needs Socialist Women
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Ann O'Byrne
Labour Councillor |
Question Time: You Ask Them (8-18 years)
(Saturday 14:00-14:45)
Ann Pettifor
Ann Pettifor is a political economist, author, fellow of the New Economics Foundation, and director of PRIME – Policy Research in Macroeconomics. Since 2015, Ann is a senior economic advisor to the Labour Party. She is famous for her work on debt and the international financial architecture, leading an international campaign which resulted in the cancellation of $100 billion of debt owed by the poorest countries. |
Debunking the Myths: Explaining the Economy from the Left
(Monday 15:00-17:00)
Runaway Finance: Should We Take Over the Banks?
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
The Brexit Bind: What Should Labour’s Position be?
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
10 Years Since the Financial Crisis: Transforming the Global Economy
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Anna Dent
Independent public policy consultant and RSA fellow focusing on employment, skills and welfare issues. She is currently working on welfare reform and basic income models. |
Update the Welfare State
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Anna Markova
Campaigns coordinator for Platform |
Floods and Forest Fires: Living the Climate Crisis
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Anna Minton
Anna Minton is a writer, journalist and Reader in Architecture at UEL. She has written two books, Ground Control in 2009 and Big Capital in 2017 |
Housing for All: Imagining the Homes of the Future
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Anna Rothery
Mayoral Lead 4 Equality & Race Equality Liverpool |
Black Women Transforming Politics
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Anne-Marie Cockburn
Anne-Marie Cockburn’s 15 year old daughter Martha Fernback died in 2013 of an accidental ecstasy overdose. Ever since then she has tirelessly campaigned to get drugs legally controlled and regulated. She is a founding member of the campaign Anyone’s Child: Families for Safer Drug Control. |
Drugs: Ending the War and Winning the Battle
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Asad Rehman
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
Sacrifice Zones – Colonialism, Neoliberalism and Climate Change
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Liverpool: Time for Ten Launch & Supersizing the McStrike!
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Ash Sarkar
Senior editor at Novara Media, and lecturer in Global Politics at Anglia Ruskin University and The Sandberg Instituut |
Britain's New Far Right
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Invisible Histories: Racism's Past and Present
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Red, White, and Blue Labour
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Asima Shaikh
Labour Councillor for Finsbury Park and Cabinet Member for Economic Development |
Building Community Wealth in our Towns and Cities
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Ava Caradonna
Organiser with the x:talk project |
Labour4Decrim: End the Criminalisation of Sex Work
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Aya O'Haidar
At the Intersection of Class and Gender
(Monday 09:00-10:30)
Barry Gardiner MP
Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade |
Trading with Trump
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Becky Bond
Former Senior Advisor to Bernie Sanders presidential campaign and co-author of ‘Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything' |
Big Organising: Harnessing the Power of Volunteers
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
How to Win BIG
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Ben Beach
Architect, housing activist and a member of Plan C |
Cities in Common: Urban Resistance to Neoliberalism
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Housing for All: Imagining the Homes of the Future
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Ben Westley Clarke
Ben Clarke is an artist who lives and works in Camden Town, London. |
Good and Bad Government: A Collaborative Drawing
(Saturday 11:00-17:00)
Beth Foster Ogg
Beth Foster-Ogg is Momentum's national training organiser |
Campaign Building (14 -18 years)
(Saturday 13:00-13:45)
Disrupting the Status Quo
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Beth Redmond
Beth Redmond helped to set up Chorlton Socialist Club, a space for local Labour Party members and supporters to explore political ideas through social events outside of meetings. |
Bringing TWT to your community
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Parties and Picket Lines: Building Socialist Culture
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Bhaskar Sunkara
Bhaskar Sunkara is the founder of Jacobin Magazine. |
How Do We Build a Movement-led Media?
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Feeling the Bern: The Rise of the American Left
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Blaire Buchanan
Organiser with Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM) |
Labour4Decrim: End the Criminalisation of Sex Work
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Bonnie Castillo
Executive Director of National Nurses United union of the United States |
A World for the Many
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Saving the NHS: Planning our Fightback
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Callum Cant
Callum Cant is currently writing ‘Working for Deliveroo’ (forthcoming on Polity Press) and is an editor at Notes from Below. He worked at Deliveroo for eight months, during which time he was an IWGB rep. |
Deliveroo and Uber: Striking Beyond Borders
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Camille Barbagallo
Academic, activist and Women’s Strike Assembly UK organiser |
Labour4Decrim: End the Criminalisation of Sex Work
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Carina Book
Political scientist and author. In her writings she focuses on analyzing the “New Right” an especially the so called “Identitarian Movement”. As an activist from “interventionist left”, she has been involved in the mobilisations against big fascist demonstrations in the last years, such as the "Day of Patriots" in 2015 which ended with a ban of the right-wing march and up to 15000 anti-fascists at the counter-demonstration. |
No Pasaran: International Antifascism
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Carolyn Jones
Director of the Institute for Employment Rights |
The Future of the Trade Unions
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Carys Roberts
Carys works on the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice, and wrote on managing automation, with a focus on employment, inequality and ethics in the digital age. Her current work looks at the future of care. |
A 4 Day Week: The Time is Now!
(Tuesday 15:00-16:45)
Cat Hobbs
Founder and Director of We Own It |
Taking What's Ours: Public Ownership from Below?
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Catherine Colebrook
Chief economist at IPPR |
Prosperity and Justice: A Plan for the New Economy
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Celia McKeon
Coordinator of Rethinking Security, which aims to promote debate about the problems with the UK's current approach to security, and build support for possible alternative approaches. She was previously trust assistant secretary at the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. |
Empire 2.0
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Dr Chamindra Weerawardhana
Dr Chamindra Weerawardhana is a gender justice advocate, journalist, author, and gender politics academic. Chamindra was LGBT+ Officer of the Labour Party Northern Ireland, and has worked on Transfeminism in the UK, elsewhere in Europe, Canada, and Sri Lanka. Her book, “Decolonising Peacebuilding”, is out later this year. |
Fighting for Trans Liberation
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Chantal Mouffe
Belgian political theorist and Professor of Political Theory at the Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster. |
A New Populism
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Charlie Clarke
Charlie Clarke is a member of The World Transformed team and has helped organise the festival since it began in 2016. He is a member of Hackney North CLP and works as a support worker in a hostel for people with complex needs. |
Popular Education Forum: Let's Build a Network!
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Charlotte Grace
Charlotte teaches architecture and works for Novara Media. |
Creative Class
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Charlotte Knowles
Write-up: How do you tackle the lack of representation in UK cinema? Filmmaker and founder of the Vertical Lab, Charlotte Knowles is joined by film artists, Leaphia Darko, Sumerah Srivastav and Chloe Mamelok to discuss the the importance of mentoring, seeking out talent amongst underrepresented groups and breaking down doors. Come and join the discussion and watch films produced by a diverse range of artists that are making waves in UK film. |
Representation in Film
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Charlotte Riley
Charlotte Lydia Riley is a lecturer in twentieth century British history at the University of Southampton. She works on the history of the Labour Party, the end of the British Empire, overseas development, aid and humanitarianism. |
An Internationalist Labour Party?
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Chloe Mamelok
Chloe Mamelok is a documentary producer and journalist. She has recently worked at Vice media, producing and shooting on documentaries ranging from a series on international extremist groups to a feature-length film on assisted dying. She was recently selected as one of Sheffield Documentary Festival’s ‘Future Producers 2018’ and is currently co-directing a short film about a rehabilitation program for drug-addicted mothers in New Jersey, supported by Glassbreaker Films in the US. |
Representation in Film
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Chloe Tomlinson
From Cradle to Grave: Developing Labour's National Education Service
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Chris Fear
Courier, General Organiser of the Industrial Workers of the World union and a co-leader of the IWW Couriers Network campaign. |
Deliveroo and Uber: Striking Beyond Borders
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Chris Peace
Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign and Labour PPC for North East Derbyshire |
Class Justice
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Chris Williamson MP
Labour MP for Derby North, formerly leader of Derby City Council. He is a former bricklayer, market trader, social worker and welfare rights officer and has been an animal rights and trade union activist all his adult life. |
Drugs: Ending the War and Winning the Battle
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Christine Berry
Christine Berry is a freelance researcher and writer on radical economics based in Manchester. She is a Fellow of the Next System Project and a Trustee of Rethinking Economics and the Finance Innovation Lab |
A Movement in Government?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
Popular Education Forum: Let's Build a Network!
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Clara Paillard
President of PCS Culture Group |
Beyond Cultural Precarity
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
A people powered manifesto for radical cultural democracy - what next?
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Investing in our Future: Sustainability Economics
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Liverpool: Time for Ten Launch & Supersizing the McStrike!
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Claude Barbe-Brown
Populate, Radio Producer, Presenter |
Making Media from the Grassroots Up
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Claudia Webbe
Member of the Labour Party National Executive Committee and Executive member for Environment and Transport at Islington Council |
Black Women Transforming Politics
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Clive Lewis MP
Labour MP for Norwich South |
Investing in our Future: Sustainability Economics
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Colin Waugh
Colin Waugh is a co-founder of the Independent Working Class Education Network and author of Plebs: The lost legacy of independent working class education. He edits Post-16 Educator. |
History Lessons: Popular Education in the 20th Century
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Coral Jones
Chair of Hackney South and Shoreditch CLP |
Developing Women Leaders in Labour
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Costas Lapavitsas
Professor of Economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies; and former member of the Hellenic Parliament for the left-wing party Syriza. |
The Brexit Bind: What Should Labour’s Position be?
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Dalia Gebrial
Decolonisation activist, PhD candidate at LSE and co-editor of 'Decolonising the University' |
Red, White, and Blue Labour
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Making the Case for Political Education
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Dan Carden MP
Labour MP for Liverpool Walton |
Roll Up for the Radical History Tour
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Update the Welfare State
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Dan Firth
Director of Community Organising - Labour Party |
How to Win BIG
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Dan Hind
Independent publisher and republican whose work focuses on the relationship between states and the communications regimes in which they are embedded. Dan is a fellow at the Democracy Collaborative, which recently published his paper "The Constitutional Turn: Liberty and the Co-operative State". He also co-presents the Media Democracy podcast with Tom Mills. |
Occupy Fleet Street: How to Democratise the British Media
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Daniel Frost
New Socialist contributing editor and a Labour and Momentum activist in Croydon. He is a PhD student and UCU member at the University of Reading. |
Painting the Towns Red
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Daniel Lewis
Chairman of The Media Fund |
How Do We Build a Movement-led Media?
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Making Media from the Grassroots Up
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Danielle Rowley MP
Labour MP for Midlothian |
Why the Labour Party Needs Socialist Women
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Dave Randall
Writer, activist, musician and guitarist of Faithless, author of 'Sound System: The Political Power of Music' |
Soundtrack of the Movement: Why Music Matters
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Dave Ward
General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union |
The Future of the Trade Unions
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
David Graeber
Professor of anthropology at the LSE. Author of the book Debt: The First 5000 years; and Bullshit Jobs. He was involved in the Global Justice Movement and Occupy Wall Street |
A 4 Day Week: The Time is Now!
(Tuesday 15:00-16:45)
David Harvey
Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and author of Marx, Capital & the Madness of Economic Reason; The Ways of the World; 17 Contradictions & the End of Capitalism |
Tribune: The Relaunch
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Dawn Butler MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Women & Equalities and Labour MP for Brent Central |
Why the Labour Party Needs Socialist Women
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Dawn Foster
Guardian columnist who writes on politics, social affairs and economics |
Prosperity and Justice: A Plan for the New Economy
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
What happened to the British ruling class?
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Tribune: The Relaunch
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Deborah Harrington
Saving the NHS: Planning our Fightback
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Dennis Skinner MP
Labour MP for Bolsover |
Dennis Skinner: Nature of the Beast - Film and Q&A
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
Towards a Socialist Government
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Diane Abbott MP
Shadow Home Secretary and Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington |
A Radical Alliance for Europe
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Black Women Transforming Politics
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Red, White, and Blue Labour
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Towards a Socialist Government
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Dimitris Tzanakopoulos
Minister of State & the Government Spokesperson of the Hellenic Republic (Greece). |
A Movement in Government?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
A Radical Alliance for Europe
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Djordje Kuzmanovic
National spokesperson for La France Insoumise and a foreign affairs advisor to Jean-Luc Mélenchon." |
Where Next for the European Left?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Dorothy Grace Guerrero
Policy and advocacy team manager at Global Justice Now. Her work as organiser, researcher/analyst, educator, and campaigner in social movements and NGOs spans almost 30 years. She works on and writes about climate change and energy issues, impacts of globalised trade and investments on people’s livelihoods in Asia, China‘s new role in the global political economy and other economic justice concerns. |
10 Years Since the Financial Crisis: Transforming the Global Economy
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Dr Faiza Shaheen
Dr Faiza Shaheen is an economist, activist, and Director of the Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS) - and now the Labour Party Parliamentary candidate set to unseat Ian Duncan-Smith. In 2017, Faiza was named the Observer Rising Star for Campaigning, nominated as Asian Woman of the Year and featured in the Top 100 Influencers on the Left list. |
Debunking the Myths: Explaining the Economy from the Left
(Monday 15:00-17:00)
Why the Labour Party Needs Socialist Women
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Dr Janet Price
Feminist disabled campaigner working on issues of sexuality, disability and social justice, Honorary Fellow at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine |
Fighting Disabled People's Exclusion
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Dr Kehinde Andrews
Dr Kehinde Andrews is Associate Professor of Sociology, and has been leading the development of the Black Studies Degree at Birmingham City University. His new book Back to Black: Retelling the Story of Black Radicalism for the 21st Century is published by Zed Books. Kehinde is director of the Centre for Critical Social Research; founder of the Harambee Organisation of Black Unity; and co-chair of the Black Studies Association. |
An Internationalist Labour Party?
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Dr Paul Darke
Academic, writer & cultural critic, Director of Outside Centre, and originator of Normality Theory |
Fighting Disabled People's Exclusion
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Dr Sonya Robotham
Director of Operations at Spectrum Derbyshire |
Black Women Transforming Politics
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Duncan McCann
Duncan is a researcher at the New Economics Foundation. |
Taking on the Tech Giants
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Ed Lewis
Campaigner for Global Justice Now and is involved in the London Renters Union. He is a co-founder of Demand The Impossible, a political eduction course for 16-25 year olds and is a member of Hackney North LP. |
Popular Education Forum: Let's Build a Network!
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Ed Miliband MP
Labour MP for Doncaster North and former leader of the Labour Party. |
A New Economic Consensus?
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
The World Transformed Pub Quiz
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Edd Mustill
Edd Mustill is a labour history nerd and co-presenter of the Labour Days podcast. He has written a history of the Sheffield Workers' Committee and is Vice-Chair of the Sheffield Heeley Constituency Labour Party. |
History Lessons: Popular Education in the 20th Century
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Eleanor Penny
Writer and activist. Senior editor at Novara Media and online editor at Red Pepper. |
How Do We Build a Movement-led Media?
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Britain's New Far Right
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Eliane Correa
Leader of Afro-Cuban/pan-Latin band Wara |
Soundtrack of the Movement: Why Music Matters
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Elif Sarican
UK Coordinator of Kurdistan Students Union. Activist of the Kurdish Women’s Movement. |
Feminism for the Many
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
No Pasaran: International Antifascism
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Invisible Histories: Racism's Past and Present
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Ellie Mae O'Hagan
Freelance Journalist |
What happened to the British ruling class?
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Emily Owen
Labour PPC for Aberconwy |
Painting the Towns Red
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Emine Ibrahim
Deputy leader of Haringey Council |
Black Women Transforming Politics
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Emma Back
Taking on the Tech Giants
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Emma Dent Coad MP
Labour MP for Kensington |
Why the Labour Party Needs Socialist Women
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Emma Hardy MP
Education Select Committee and former teacher |
From Cradle to Grave: Developing Labour's National Education Service
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Emma Rees
Co-founder and former National Organiser of Momentum and organiser for The World Transformed |
Bringing TWT to your community
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Honorary President and former co-chair of the Peoples' Democratic Party of Turkey (HDP) |
A World for the Many
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Eva O'Connor
Irish stage actress, playwright and campaigner to Repeal the 8th Amendment |
Feminism for the Many
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Evren BH
Evren has been involved in trans activism for nearly a decade. They currently work towards providing radical healthcare solutions for trans people and analysing the mainstreaming of British transphobia and its recent links to far-right rhetoric. They organise with several leftist and trans liberation groups around London. |
Fighting for Trans Liberation
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Fabian Hamilton MP
Labour MP for Leeds North East and Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament |
Disarmament and Diversification: Do Jobs Justify Making Nuclear Weapons?
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Fabio De Masi
German politician for left German party Die Linke and Member of the European Parliament for Germany |
Where Next for the European Left?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Faisal Yousif
Faisal Yousif is a medical student who has been active in Liverpool Momentum since its founding. |
Parties and Picket Lines: Building Socialist Culture
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Felicity Dowling
Saving the NHS: Planning our Fightback
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Firoze Manji
Firoze Manji is the founder and executive director of Fahamu and editor of Pambazuka Press, an online news magazine. He is also the former Africa director for Amnesty International and former CEO of the Aga Khan Foundation and author of “African Awakenings, The Emerging Revolutions”, and “From the Slave Trade to ‘Free’ Trade: How Trade Undermines Democracy and Justice in Africa”. |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
Sacrifice Zones – Colonialism, Neoliberalism and Climate Change
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Fliss Premru
Reel News |
Communities in the Fight Against Climate Change
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Fran Boait
Executive Director of Positive Money, Fran is also a Director of Finance Watch, and a Senior Fellow at the Finance Innovation Lab. Fran was also recognised as one of the most 'Inspirational Women in the City' 2017 by Brummell Magazine. Fran has also worked at various international organisations including the UN, Greenpeace, and BP. Fran is also the Labour Parliamentary candidate for Gloucester. |
Runaway Finance: Should We Take Over the Banks?
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Frances Northrop
Frances is a freelance consultant, working with communities as an adviser for the the NEF/Co-ops UK Community Economic Development Programme |
A people powered manifesto for radical cultural democracy - what next?
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Francesca Bria
Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer for the City of Barcelona. Founder of the Decode Project. |
Cybernetic Socialism: Project Cybersyn in the 21st century
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
In and Against the State
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Francis Foley
Furqan Naeem
Furqan Naeem is a community campaigner and political activist |
Prosperity and Justice: A Plan for the New Economy
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Gail McAnena
Westminster editor for the New Socialist |
Investing in our Future: Sustainability Economics
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Gail Ward
Active disability campaigner with DPAC (Disabled People Against Cuts) and Black Triangle Campaign for many years. Gail was previously a Trustee at West Northumberland Food Bank/Advocacy based in Hexham where she gained most of her welfare training. She is a regular public speaker at events across the UK against austerity measures. |
Update the Welfare State
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Gareth Brown
Gareth Brown is a lecturer in International Business at the University of Leicester, a member of Plan C and co-creator of the Social Strike Game. |
Social Strike Game
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Gareth Eales
Borough and County Councillor in Northamptonshire, and the Labour PPC for Northampton South. He is a postal worker at the Royal Mail and a member of the CWU. |
Painting the Towns Red
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Gargi Bhattacharyya
Gargi Bhattacharyya is Professor of Sociology at UEL's Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging. Her research interests are in the areas of 'race' and racisms, sexualities, global cultures, the 'War on Terror', and, increasingly austerity and racial capitalism. |
Empire 2.0
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Gary Anderson
Co-founder of the Free University of Liverpool, the Institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home, as well as Artists4Corbyn. Gary teaches drama at Liverpool Hope University and chairs the UCU branch. He maintains that political education is as revolutionary as falling in love - it changes everything. |
Making the Case for Political Education
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Gary Younge
British journalist, author and broadcaster. He is editor-at-large for The Guardian |
No Pasaran: International Antifascism
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Gerry Byrne
Developing Movement Leaders
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Group Dynamics and Movement Building
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Grace Blakeley
Writer and Research Fellow on IPPR’s Commission on Economic Justice |
A New Economic Consensus?
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Global Finance 101
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
10 Years Since the Financial Crisis: Transforming the Global Economy
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Tribune: The Relaunch
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Grzegorz Rybak
Activist for Polish left-wing party Razem |
Migrant Political Voices: Turning Up the Volume
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Hasan Patel
young labour activist |
Question Time: You Ask Them (8-18 years)
(Saturday 14:00-14:45)
Hazem Jamjoum
Hazem Jamjoum is a doctoral candidate in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at New York University. His previous work has focused on political-economy approaches to Israeli colonialism and Palestinian elite formation, and critiques of partition-based conflict management “solutions”, among other areas. |
Solidarity with Palestinians: Challenging UK Militarism
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Heidi Chow
Senior campaigns manager for Global Justice Now |
A Global NHS? Public Services Across Borders
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Hilary Wainwright
Sociologist, political activist & author, fellow of the Transnational Institute and editor of Red Pepper magazine. Latest book: 'A New Politics from the Left', Polity Press |
From Below: A Party Fit for the 21st Century?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
History Lessons: Popular Education in the 20th Century
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
In and Against the State
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Taking What's Ours: Public Ownership from Below?
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
The Lucas Plan and the New Economics
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Holly Rigby
Teacher and Momentum activist |
From Cradle to Grave: Developing Labour's National Education Service
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Feminism for the Many
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Making the Case for Political Education
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Huda Elmi
Labour Party National Executive Committee |
From Below: A Party Fit for the 21st Century?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
Ian Byrne
Fans Supporting Foodbanks |
How to Win BIG
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Ian Lavery
Labour Party Chair and MP for Wansbeck |
How to Win BIG
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Idoia Villanueva
Senator for Podemos, a member of the party's executive and a spokesperson on foreign affairs. |
Where Next for the European Left?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Igor Felipe
Igor Felipe is a member of the National Council of MST, the Landless Workers' Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra, MST), one of Latin America’s largest and most important social movements with a membership of 1.5 million. It is a leading force both in Brazil and globally fighting for the rights of the rural poor. A key member of Via Campesina, the global movement of millions of peasants and small farmers it confronts both neoliberal agenda as well as the rise of right-wing politics. |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
History Lessons: Popular Education in the 20th Century
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Sacrifice Zones – Colonialism, Neoliberalism and Climate Change
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
India Thorogood
Labour Community Organising |
How to Win BIG
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Isaac Rose
Isaac Rose is a housing activist with Greater Manchester Housing Action, and has led great work holding Manchester City Council to account on their development plans. |
Parties and Picket Lines: Building Socialist Culture
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Jacob Mukherjee
Campaigns Officer at Generation Rent - an organisation fighting for the rights and interests of private renters. He is currently coordinating the national campaign to end no-fault evictions |
Rentquake: Strategies and Tactics for the New Private Renter Movement
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Jacqueline Rose
Professor of Humanities, Birkbeck University of London, co-founder Independent Jewish Voices |
Invisible Histories: Racism's Past and Present
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Jacqui Haynes
Chair of Lancaster West Residents Association and Grenfell Justice activist |
Class Justice
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
A World for the Many
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
James Butler
Senior editor of Novara Media, writer and activist |
Generation Solidarity
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
No Pasaran: International Antifascism
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
James Meadway
Senior Economics Adviser to John McDonnell |
Prosperity and Justice: A Plan for the New Economy
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
James Murray
Deputy Mayor of London for Housing and Residential Development |
Cities in Common: Urban Resistance to Neoliberalism
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Housing for All: Imagining the Homes of the Future
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
James Snowball
Wetherspoons Worker |
Liverpool: Time for Ten Launch & Supersizing the McStrike!
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Jamie Driscoll
Developing Movement Leaders
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Group Dynamics and Movement Building
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Jamie Woodcock
Editor for Notes From Below and Historical Materialism. Author of 'Working the Phones' Pluto Press 2017 and Marx at the Arcade; consoles, controllers and class struggle(forthcoming on Haymarket Press) |
Solidarity is our Weapon: Lessons from UCU Strike
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Jane Slater
Drugs: Ending the War and Winning the Battle
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Jason Prado
Software engineer and labour organiser |
Taking on the Tech Giants
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Tech Workers' Inquiry
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Jawad Khan
Trade Union Representative on the Young Labour National Committee, and GMB Young Members’ National Communications Officer. He is an activist in Batley and Spen CLP. |
Painting the Towns Red
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Jean Blaylock
Trade and food campaigner over fifteen years. Currently works for War on Want; previously for the Trade Justice Movement, Global Justice Now, UK Food Group and Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance. |
Trading with Trump
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Leader of left French party La France Insoumise |
In Conversation with Jean-Luc Mélenchon
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Jean Ross
Co-President of National Nurses United |
A Global NHS? Public Services Across Borders
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Big Organising: Harnessing the Power of Volunteers
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Jennifer Forbes
Labour Party Paliamentary candidate for Truro & Falmouth |
Why the Labour Party Needs Socialist Women
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Leader of the UK Labour Party and MP for Islington North |
A World for the Many
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Jeremy Gilbert
Professor of Cultural and Political Theory, University of East London |
How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going? Telling a Socialist Story of Modern Britain
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Acid Corbynism: Consciousness, Club Culture and Collective Joy
(Monday 19:30-23:30)
Deconstructing Neoliberalism: An Easy Morning Reading Group
(Monday 09:00-10:30)
Deconstructing Neoliberalism: An Easy Morning Reading Group
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Deconstructing Neoliberalism: An Easy Morning Reading Group
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Jessica Buxton
Jess is actively working as an Actor, Facilitator and writer, but spends most of her time thinking up adventurous ways to inspire and create theatre for children. |
World Transformers (14 - 18 years)
(Saturday 11:30-12.45)
World Transformers (8-13 years)
(Saturday 10:00-11:15)
Jill Rubery
Economist at Manchester University |
Prosperity and Justice: A Plan for the New Economy
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Jo Beardsmore
UK Uncut |
Disrupting the Status Quo
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Jo McNeill
President of the University of Liverpool UCU branch, member of the UCU NEC. Recently elected as a National Negotiator for HE, sitting on the national Strategy and Finance Committee and Recruitment, Organising and Campaigns Committee |
Solidarity is our Weapon: Lessons from UCU Strike
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Joe Corcoran
Editorial group at New Socialist and software engineer |
Tech Workers' Inquiry
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Joe Guinan
Senior Fellow at Democracy Collaborative and Executive Director of the Next System Project |
A Movement in Government?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
John Denham
Former Secretary of State and Director of the English Labour Network |
Red, White, and Blue Labour
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
John Lister
Saving the NHS: Planning our Fightback
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
John McDonnell MP
Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer and Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington |
In and Against the State
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Towards a Socialist Government
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
10 Years Since the Financial Crisis: Transforming the Global Economy
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Making the Case for Political Education
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
The Lucas Plan and the New Economics
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Jon Lansman
Founder of Momentum |
From Below: A Party Fit for the 21st Century?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
Jon Trickett MP
Labour MP for Hemsworth and Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office |
A New Populism
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
In Conversation with Jean-Luc Mélenchon
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Power for the Many: A Radical Agenda for Democracy
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Jonathan Ashworth MP
Labour MP for Leicester South and Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care |
Lets Talk About Mental Health....and Capitalism
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Jonathan Shafi
Campaigns Manager with think tank Common Wealth, member of the coalition behind ‘Act As If We Own The Place', founder and coordinator of the Radical Independence Congress |
Power for the Many: A Radical Agenda for Democracy
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Joni Cohen
Joni Alizah Cohen is an independent writer and researcher based in London. Her writings focus on Marxist transfeminism, queer and trans history, Marxist theories of social reproduction, biopolitics, healthcare, disability and mental illness. She is a transfeminist organiser for Women’s Strike Assembly -UK, and a member of Plan C and Action for Trans Health |
Fighting for Trans Liberation
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Josh Virusami
Black Lives Matter UK |
Disrupting the Status Quo
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Julia Salazar
DSA candidate for State Senate in Brooklyn |
Feeling the Bern: The Rise of the American Left
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Julie Lyon-Taylor
Chair of Merseyside Pensioners Association |
Generation Solidarity
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Julie Ward MEP
Labour MEP for the North-West of England, member of the European Parliament’s Culture and Education Committee and link MEP for UNCRPD |
Fighting Disabled People's Exclusion
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Karma Nabulsi
Professor Karma Nabulsi teaches at the Oxford, and works on revolutionary and republican thought. She recently launched the digital teaching resource ‘The Palestinian Revolution’ http://learnpalestine.politics.ox.ac.uk. Karma is UCU equalities officer at the university, and co-founder of the Hoping Foundation, which sponsors emergency assistance, art, and scholarships for young Palestinians in refugee camps across the ME. She won the Guardian’s Higher Education ‘Inspiring Leader Award’ in 2017, and Arab Woman of the Year, 2018. |
An Internationalist Labour Party?
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Invisible Histories: Racism's Past and Present
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Kat Wright
Member of Manchester ACORN, a community member led union fighting for housing justice. |
Beating the Bosses: What Do We Need to Win?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Kate Hudson
General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and leading anti-nuclear and anti-war campaigner |
Disarmament and Diversification: Do Jobs Justify Making Nuclear Weapons?
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Kate Macintosh
Kate is a celebrated architect responsible for building some of Britain’s most successful social housing |
Housing for All: Imagining the Homes of the Future
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Kate Shea Baird
Kate Shea Baird is a member of the Executive of Barcelona En Comú, the citizen platform currently governing Barcelona City Hall. She has been active in its International Committee, mapping the Fearless Cities network of municipalist movements around the world. |
A Radical Alliance for Europe
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Power for the Many: A Radical Agenda for Democracy
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Katja Kipping
Katja Kipping is chairperson for Die Linke, the leading left party in the German Parliament. She is also the editor of the socialist magazine Prager Frühling and a founding member of the Institute of Modern Solidarity, a left-oriented think tank. |
A 4 Day Week: The Time is Now!
(Tuesday 15:00-16:45)
Katya Nasim
Katya is a housing campaigner and founding member of the London Renters Union |
Housing for All: Imagining the Homes of the Future
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Keir Milburn
Keir Milburn is lecturer in Political Economy and Organisation at the University of Leicester. His book, Generation Left, will be published by Polity in January 2019. He is a Member of Plan C. |
Generation Solidarity
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Lets Talk About Mental Health....and Capitalism
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Social Strike Game
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Ken Loach
Award winning film and television Director |
Parties and Picket Lines: Building Socialist Culture
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Kerry-Anne Mendoza
Editor-in-Chief at The Canary |
How Do We Build a Movement-led Media?
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Kevin Anderson
Deputy Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and holds a joint chair in Energy and Climate Change at the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester and School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia |
Investing in our Future: Sustainability Economics
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Kevin Courtney
Joint General Secretary for the National Education Union (NEU) |
From Cradle to Grave: Developing Labour's National Education Service
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Kevin Frea
Labour councillor and activist for Red Green Labour |
Communities in the Fight Against Climate Change
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Kevin Smith
Press Officer for New Economy Organisers Network (NEON) |
Telling Stories that Build Power
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Kiara Mohamed
Kiara Mohamed is a multidisciplinary artist who is based in Toxteth, Liverpool. Kiara's work focuses on identity and reflects the community looking always to push the envelope on the idea of race, gender and social responsibility. |
Black Flowers Screening + Discussion
(Saturday 13:00-14:00)
Kika Markham
Kika Markham has had a long career the cinema, television and theatre including The Crucible (Bristol Old Vic); Anthony & Cleopatra (Haymarket); The Taming of the Shrew (Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh and a number of Royal Court productions; recent TV roles include ITV’s ‘Fearless’ and ‘Mr Selfridge’; the BBC’s ‘Call The Midwife’ and ‘Spooks’. |
In Clem's Own Words
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Kojo Koram
Lecturer at Essex Law School. His research interests include questions around international law, empire and race. |
Red, White, and Blue Labour
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Laura Basu
Author of Media Amnesia and co-editor of The Media & Austerity, both out earlier this year. She is interested in media democracy as well as the wider question of how to create more democratic societies. |
Occupy Fleet Street: How to Democratise the British Media
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Laura Parker
A Movement in Government?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
Popular Education Forum: Let's Build a Network!
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Lauren McCourt
Lauren McCourt was a McStrike leader in Manchester. She was elected to Executive committee of the BFAWU, and is a committed anti-racist. |
Liverpool: Time for Ten Launch & Supersizing the McStrike!
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Lauren Townsend
TGI Fridays worker – Unite Hospitality Branch. |
The Future of the Trade Unions
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Liverpool: Time for Ten Launch & Supersizing the McStrike!
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Laurence Westgaph
Laurence Westgaph is an independent researcher, community historian, writer, broadcaster and tour guide. He has a particular interest in Liverpool’s role in the slave trade and how its legacies have benefited the city and impacted its built environment. |
Liverpool's History of Slavery Walking Tour
(Saturday 13:00-15:00)
Laurie Laybourn-Langton
Digital Economy 101
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Leah Levane
Jewish Voice for Labour co-chair and Hastings councillor |
Why the Labour Party Needs Socialist Women
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Leaphia Darko
Leaphia Darko is an actor, writer and life long Londoner. She trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art after receiving scholarships. Since graduating from RADA in July 2017 she has appeared as Portia opposite Ben Wishaw’s Brutus in Nick Hytner’s production of Julius Caesar and as Katherine in Loves Labours Lost in The Sam Wanamaker Playhouse at The Shakespeare’s Globe. This year, under the mentorship of The Prince’s Trust, Leaphia founded the production company The London Rep which focuses on telling the stories of women and the working classes on stage, on screen and online. A strong focus of the company is making period pieces featuring people of colour who have been at the centre of 2000yrs of European History (thelondonrep.com). |
Representation in Film
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Lee Carter
Feeling the Bern: The Rise of the American Left
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Lena Šimić
Education, Education, Education...in the Labour Party
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Leo Panitch
Editor of the Socialist Register and distinguished research professor at York University, Canada. |
From Below: A Party Fit for the 21st Century?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
10 Years Since the Financial Crisis: Transforming the Global Economy
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Leo Watkins
Masters student at Queen Mary, University of London, member of the Media Reform Coalition co-ordinating committee, and former media analyst. He was involved in the successful campaign to prevent Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox acquiring control of Sky News, and is currently developing a proposal for new publicly funded and democratically controlled news media. |
Occupy Fleet Street: How to Democratise the British Media
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Lewis Bassett
Political education officer for Derby North CLP and organiser of Derby Transformed |
Bringing TWT to your community
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Liam Kelly
Liam Kelly is the founder & CEO of social enterprise Make Liverpool, supporting creatives starting businesses. Liam chairs the Baltic Triangle Area, Liverpool’s creative quarter and fastest growing tech cluster. A public speaker on mental health, new economics and equality. |
Regenerating Regeneration
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Lindsey McDowell
Lindsey is Head of Eduction at the Fire Brigades Union. Her emphasis is on democratic and facilitated learning, and the transformative power of trade union education. She is a contributor to the book, Trade Union Education: Transforming the World |
Making the Case for Political Education
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Lisa Nandy MP
Labour MP for Wigan |
A New Economic Consensus?
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Lois Browne
Love Music Hate Racism campaign |
Soundtrack of the Movement: Why Music Matters
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Lorcan Mullan
Lorcan Mullen is the Momentum NCG representative for Campaign for Socialism and has been an advocate for expanded political education on the Labour left. Lorcan first joined the anti-austerity movement as a student leader in Belfast in 2010 and has subsequently worked as a trade union organiser. He is a member of Edinburgh North and Leith CLP. |
Education, Education, Education...in the Labour Party
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Louis Schulz
Louis is an architect in the Turner-prize award winning collecive, Assemble. |
Creative Class
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Louis Woodhead
Creative Campaign Surgery with Long Live Southbank
(Saturday 13:00-16:00)
You Can't Move History: Film Screening and Q&A
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Louise Castro
Grassroots anti-fracking campaigner |
Floods and Forest Fires: Living the Climate Crisis
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
British rapper, hip-hop artist and activist |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
Soundtrack of the Movement: Why Music Matters
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Invisible Histories: Racism's Past and Present
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Lucy Flores
Former Elected State Representative, New Media Executive and Entrepreneur, and Political Activist |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
Making Media from the Grassroots Up
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Luke Cooper
Dr Luke Cooper is Course Leader, BA (Hons) Politics and Senior Lecturer, International Politics at Anglia Ruskin University. |
A Radical Alliance for Europe
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Lydia Hughes
Lydia is an editor at Notes From Below. |
Taking on the Tech Giants
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Deliveroo and Uber: Striking Beyond Borders
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Lynne Segal
Academic and feminist writer, Lynne's most recent book is Radical Happiness: Moment's of Collective Joy |
I'm Literally a Communist: Marx at 200
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Lets Talk About Mental Health....and Capitalism
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Mariela Kohon
Colombia: The Human Rights Crisis, Search for Peace and International Solidarity
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Marisa Matias MEP
Marisa Isabel dos Santos Matias is a Portuguese sociologist and Member of the European Parliament. |
A Radical Alliance for Europe
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Mark Serwotka
General Secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union |
In and Against the State
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Marsha de Cordova MP
Shadow Minister for Disabled people |
Fighting Disabled People's Exclusion
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Solidarity with Palestinians: Challenging UK Militarism
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Marta Fana
Italian Journalist and author |
Where Next for the European Left?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Martin Drewry
Martin Drewry is CEO of Health Poverty Action – a politically progressive INGO working with some of the world’s poorest and most marginalised populations in 17 countries. Martin has worked in international development for 25 years, including co-founding the Trade Justice Movement, and as one of the leaders of Make Poverty History. He views the so called ‘war on drugs’ as a key driver of global poverty and inequality. |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
Drugs: Ending the War and Winning the Battle
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Martin O'Neill
Commissioning Editor of Renewal and Senior Lecturer in Political Theory at York University |
A New Economic Consensus?
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Mary Davis
Labour Historian. who has written, broadcast and lectured widely on women’s history, labour history, imperialism and racism. She was awarded the TUC Women’s Gold Badge in 2010 for services to trade unionism. She is currently a trustee of Marx Memorial Library |
Everything You Wanted to Know About Marxism, But Were Too Afraid to Ask
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Mary Kaldor
Professor of Global Governance at the London School of Economics |
The Brexit Bind: What Should Labour’s Position be?
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Mat Lawrence
Mathew is a Senior Research Fellow in the Economy team. He works on the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice, leading on the intersection between economic and technological change, political economy, and workplace democracy. |
Digital Economy 101
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Matt Kerr
Councillor for Cardonald Ward, Glasgow and Labour PPC for Glasgow South West |
Federalism and Other Opportunities
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Matt Nelmes
Activist at Long Live Southbank |
Creative Campaign Surgery with Long Live Southbank
(Saturday 13:00-16:00)
You Can't Move History: Film Screening and Q&A
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Matt Wrack
General Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) |
Runaway Finance: Should We Take Over the Banks?
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Matthew Brown
Labour politician and leader of Preston City Council |
Building Community Wealth in our Towns and Cities
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Matthew Butcher
Head of Communications at the New Economy Organisers Network (NEON) |
Telling Stories that Build Power
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Maurice Glasman, Baron Glasman
Political theorist, Labour peer and founder of Blue Labour. |
Red, White, and Blue Labour
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Maya Evans
Voices for Creative Non Violence, and Labour councillor |
Disrupting the Status Quo
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Maya Goodfellow
Journalist and academic |
Migrant Political Voices: Turning Up the Volume
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Invisible Histories: Racism's Past and Present
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
What happened to the British ruling class?
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Meirian Jump
Archivist & Library Manager at the Marx Memorial Library |
Everything You Wanted to Know About Marxism, But Were Too Afraid to Ask
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Melissa Benn
Writer & campaigner, founder of the Local Schools Network, and chair of Comprehensive Future. Her books include School Wars: The Battle for Britain's Education | |
Michael Jacobs
Global Finance 101
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Michael Roberts
Economist and author of The Great Recession: a Marxist view and The Long Depression |
Runaway Finance: Should We Take Over the Banks?
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Mika Minio-Paluello
Energy Economist, Energy Democracy Project |
Communities in the Fight Against Climate Change
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Miranda Hall
Miranda is a writer and activist interested in the intersections of work, gender and technology. She is excited about the development of new digital infrastructures built for people not profit while being cautious of tech solutions to social and political problems. She currently works at the New Economics Foundation in London. |
Cybernetic Socialism: Project Cybersyn in the 21st century
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Miro Griffiths
Activist and academic on human rights, advisor to UK Government and European Commission |
Fighting Disabled People's Exclusion
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Molly Smith
Sex work activist with Sex Worker Open University and ScotPep |
Labour4Decrim: End the Criminalisation of Sex Work
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Moussa Amine Sylla
Is a community organiser with the Selby Trust |
A people powered manifesto for radical cultural democracy - what next?
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Nancy Platts
Labour Councillor in Brighton, former Trade Union Liaison Officer in Jeremy Corbyn’s Office, heads up ‘Politics for the Many - Trade Unionists for Political Reform' |
Power for the Many: A Radical Agenda for Democracy
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Naomi Klein (via video)
the Senior Correspondent at the Intercept, Bestselling author (of No Logo, This Changes Everything, The Shock Doctrine and No is Not Enough), and newly appointed the inaugural Gloria Steinem Chair of Media, Culture and Feminist Studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey |
A World for the Many
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Natalie Sharples
Head of Policy and Campaigns for Health Poverty Action |
A Global NHS? Public Services Across Borders
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Natasha Josette
Momentum NCG member and organiser for The World Transformed |
Bringing TWT to your community
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Navendu Mishra
Navendu has worked as a trade union organiser for Unison focusing on low union density sectors including care work and has recently been elected onto Labour Party’s National Executive Committee |
The Future of the Trade Unions
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Neil Findlay MSP
Labour MSP for Lothians and Shadow Cabinet member leading on Brexit, Campaigns and Party engagement |
Federalism and Other Opportunities
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Neil McInroy
Chief Executive for the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES). A leading commentator on economic development and public policy, Neil has featured in Local Government Chronicle’s annual top 50 most influential people in local government. He has been involved in public sector policy and delivery for over 25 years and has collaborated with a broad range of local, regional and national governments and agencies across UK and in Europe, Asia, US and Australasia. |
Building Community Wealth in our Towns and Cities
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Nelini Stamp
National Organizing Director at the Working Families Party and member of Resistance Revival Chorus |
Feminism for the Many
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
No Pasaran: International Antifascism
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Niccolo Milanese
Niccolò is a director of European Alternatives, a poet and a philosopher living in Paris, born in London to Italian and British parents. |
A Radical Alliance for Europe
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Nick Arnold
Developing Movement Leaders
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Group Dynamics and Movement Building
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Nick Dearden
Director of Global Justice Now |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
Trading with Trump
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Nick Mahony
Organiser with Movement for Cultural Democracy; independent researcher/project worker; Vice Chair (Membership) Chipping Barnet CLP, Coordinator of Raymond Williams Foundation; and Outreach and Development for Soundings Journal |
A people powered manifesto for radical cultural democracy - what next?
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Niki Adams
Organiser with English Collective of Prostitutes |
Labour4Decrim: End the Criminalisation of Sex Work
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Chair of a deliveroo workers' council in Germany. |
Deliveroo and Uber: Striking Beyond Borders
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Owen Jones
Guardian columnist, left-wing political activist and author of Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class and The Establishment – And How They Get Away With It |
Tribune: The Relaunch
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Pablo Navarrete
Writer, film-maker, and editor of Alborada |
Colombia: The Human Rights Crisis, Search for Peace and International Solidarity
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Pat Devine
Radical economist concerned mainly with industrial economics and comparative economic systems. |
The Lucas Plan and the New Economics
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Paul Mason
Writer, author and film-maker. As economics editor at Newsnight, then Channel 4 News he covered the global financial crisis, the Arab Spring, the Occupy movement and the Gaza war. His bestselling book Postcapitalism has been translated into 16 languages. His play Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere was televised on BBC Two in 2017. |
A Movement in Government?
(Sunday 19:30-21:15)
In Clem's Own Words
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Power for the Many: A Radical Agenda for Democracy
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
The Brexit Bind: What Should Labour’s Position be?
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Paul Nowak
Deputy General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) |
Disarmament and Diversification: Do Jobs Justify Making Nuclear Weapons?
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Paul Williams
Co-Chair of ACORN Brighton, a community-based union of working-class people fighting for renters rights |
Rentquake: Strategies and Tactics for the New Private Renter Movement
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Paulina Nicol
Organiser with English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP) |
Labour4Decrim: End the Criminalisation of Sex Work
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Baroness Pauline Bryan
Federalism and Other Opportunities
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Pernille Skipper
Danish MP and Leader of Red-Green Alliance |
Where Next for the European Left?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Peter Stark
Peter Stark has a near 50 year career in the fields of cultural policy and management in the UK and South Africa. He founded GPS Culture with Christopher Gordon and David Powell and was a lead author on its reports with ‘A Policy for the Arts in England. The Next Steps’ (www.GPSculture.co.uk ) leading to MCD asking him to convene the conversation around a national structure for sustainable funding of Cultural Democracy in action locally. |
Beyond Cultural Precarity
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
A people powered manifesto for radical cultural democracy - what next?
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Peter Stefanovic
Lawyer/Journalist/Filmmaker |
Liverpool: Time for Ten Launch & Supersizing the McStrike!
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Phil Asquith
An active member in the Lucas Aerospace shop stewards committee and its alternative plan for socially useful production. |
The Lucas Plan and the New Economics
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Pollyanna Ruiz
Pollyanna Ruiz is a Lecturer of Media and Communication in the School of Media, Film and Music at the University of Sussex. She is the author of Articulating Dissent: Protest and the Public Sphere (Pluto, 2014). |
You Can't Move History: Film Screening and Q&A
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Professor Özlem Onaran
Author and Professor of Economics at the University of Greenwich and the director of the Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre |
Debunking the Myths: Explaining the Economy from the Left
(Monday 15:00-17:00)
Rachael Maskell
Shadow Rail Minister |
Generation Solidarity
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Rachael O’Byrne
World Transformers (14 - 18 years)
(Saturday 11:30-12.45)
World Transformers (8-13 years)
(Saturday 10:00-11:15)
Rachel Broadbent
Developing Movement Leaders
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Group Dynamics and Movement Building
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Raf Bogan
Music and Arts Production (MAP) charity |
Acid Corbynism: Consciousness, Club Culture and Collective Joy
(Monday 19:30-23:30)
Raquel Rolnik
Architect, urban planner and former UN special rapporteur on adequate housing |
Cities in Common: Urban Resistance to Neoliberalism
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
10 Years Since the Financial Crisis: Transforming the Global Economy
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Raul Espejo
Raul was Operations Director of the CYBERSYN project - the Chilean Government’s cybernetic project for the management of the national economy, under the scientific direction of Stafford Beer. He has since taught at numerous universities across the globe, published extensively and is a leading expert on organisational cybernetics. |
Cybernetic Socialism: Project Cybersyn in the 21st century
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Rebecca Long-Bailey MP
Labour MP for Salford and Eccles |
Towards a Socialist Government
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Rebecca Wild
Manager of Hinterlands and Constellations |
Acid Corbynism: Consciousness, Club Culture and Collective Joy
(Monday 19:30-23:30)
Rebecca Winson
Activist and writer, and works as an organiser for the New Economics Foundation, concentratIng on workers' rights and housing. Amongst other things she has written about mental health and class, including her own experiences of mental health services. |
Lets Talk About Mental Health....and Capitalism
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Rhiannon White
Co-director of Common Wealth |
At the Intersection of Class and Gender
(Monday 09:00-10:30)
A people powered manifesto for radical cultural democracy - what next?
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Richard Attlee
Richard Attlee is an actor, known for My Week with Marilyn (2011), Burnt (2015) and The IT Crowd (2006) |
In Clem's Own Words
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Richard Burgon MP
Labour MP for Leeds East, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and Shadow Lord Chancellor |
Britain's New Far Right
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Towards a Socialist Government
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Richard Clarke
Labour party activist currently working as a consultant to Lottery funded landscape schemes, Visiting Scholar at the University of Westminster, member of the Marx Memorial Library’s Education Sub-Commit |
Everything You Wanted to Know About Marxism, But Were Too Afraid to Ask
(Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
Richard Leonard MSP
Leader of Scottish Labour |
A New Economic Consensus?
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Richard Seymour
Writer, broadcaster & activist and author of several books, including 'Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics'. He blogs at Lenin’s Tomb. |
An Internationalist Labour Party?
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
What happened to the British ruling class?
(Tuesday 19:30-21:15)
Rick Burgess
Rick Burgess is a member of Recovery in the Bin- A critical theorist and activist collective, a co-founder of Manchester Disabled People Against Cuts and is an executive officer of the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People. |
Lets Talk About Mental Health....and Capitalism
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Rida Vaquas
Rida Vaquas is a former Momentum NCG member. She is an editor of the Clarion and translates German socialist texts in her free time. She is currently working on a dissertation on the German socialist youth movement during the war. |
History Lessons: Popular Education in the 20th Century
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Rita Chadha
Director of Migrants' Rights Network |
Migrant Political Voices: Turning Up the Volume
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Robert Verkaik
Author of 'Posh Boys: How the English Public Schools Ruin Britain' |
From Cradle to Grave: Developing Labour's National Education Service
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Ronan Burtenshaw
Writer and Europe Editor for Jacobin |
Where Next for the European Left?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Tribune: The Relaunch
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Rory Hughes
President of University of Liverpool Guild of Students |
Solidarity is our Weapon: Lessons from UCU Strike
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Royston Bentham
Blacklist Support Group and Management Committee member of Spirit of Shankly and Football Supporters Federation National Council member |
Class Justice
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Ryvka Barnard
Ryvka Barnard has a PhD in Middle Eastern Studies from New York University where she specialised in the politics of tourism development in the occupied West Bank. She is currently the Senior Campaigns Officer on Militarism and Security at War on Want, where she campaigns against human rights abuses associated with the growing power of the military and security industry, with a special focus on the UK-Israel arms trade. |
Empire 2.0
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Solidarity with Palestinians: Challenging UK Militarism
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Saikat Chakrabarti
Senior advisor to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and co-founder of Justice Democrats |
Feeling the Bern: The Rise of the American Left
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Sakina Sheikh
Lewisham Labour councillor and campaigner for Labour Energy Forum |
Communities in the Fight Against Climate Change
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Sam Mason
Policy Officer at Public and Commerical Services trade union (PCS), main author of the PCS pamphlet Just Transition and Energy Democracy: a civil service trade union perspective & member of the New Lucas Plan project coordinating the Just Transition strand |
Disarmament and Diversification: Do Jobs Justify Making Nuclear Weapons?
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
The Lucas Plan and the New Economics
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Sam Swann
Labour party activist, co-host of the Novara podcast 'The Lockdown' and actor |
Kids Write Plays!
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Kids Write Plays! Performance
(Sunday 17:00-17:30)
Samuel Kalejaiye
Momentum Social Media Team |
Making Media from the Grassroots Up
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Sarah-Jayne Clifton
Sarah-Jayne Clifton is director of Jubilee Debt Campaign, a charity working to end poverty caused by unjust debt through education, research and campaigning. Previously she coordinated Friends of the Earth International’s campaigning on climate justice and energy. She sits on the board of Tax Justice UK and is a trustee of the Barry Amiel Norman Melburn Trust. |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
Runaway Finance: Should We Take Over the Banks?
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Sarah Weston
Sarah Weston is a doctor in politics of voice and performance at the uni of Leeds and creates local-led productions with Salford Community Theatre. |
Parties and Picket Lines: Building Socialist Culture
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Satoko Kishimoto
Coordinator of the Public Alternative Project at the Transnational Institute (TNI) |
A Global NHS? Public Services Across Borders
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Sean Farmelo
Co-founder of students for co-operation, housing activist and member of Radical Routes |
Cities in Common: Urban Resistance to Neoliberalism
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Selena is a Foodora worker and campaigner at the Riders Union Netherlands. She's currently facing redundancy as Foodora pulls out of the country. |
Deliveroo and Uber: Striking Beyond Borders
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Seth Wheeler
Founder member of Plan C, editor of the socialist journal 'Notes From Below' and member of the IWGB Union. He is currently devising an educational project in conjunction with CAIWU, a member-led union and helped to program this year's TWT Trade Union stream. |
Beating the Bosses: What Do We Need to Win?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Solidarity is our Weapon: Lessons from UCU Strike
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Shami Chakrabarti
Shadow Attorney General, Barrister and former Director of Liberty |
Class Justice
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Sharon Clancy
Sharon Clancy is the Political Education Officer for Mansfield CLP. She's a Senior Research Fellow in Adult Education at the University of Nottingham. Her background is in community activism and public engagement and her academic interests include social justice and political activism. |
From Cradle to Grave: Developing Labour's National Education Service
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Education, Education, Education...in the Labour Party
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Shavanah Taj
Secretary for Wales & National Officer for South West at PCS Trade Union |
Beating the Bosses: What Do We Need to Win?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Sheila Coleman
Activist with the Hillsborough Justice Campaign and Unite Community, North West Coordinator |
Beating the Bosses: What Do We Need to Win?
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Class Justice
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Shingai Shoniwa
Musician and lead vocalist in The Noisettes |
Soundtrack of the Movement: Why Music Matters
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Simon Brasch
Saving the NHS: Planning our Fightback
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Simon Lewis
Professor of global change science at University College London and University of Leeds. Author, of the book The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene, with Mark Maslin. He was involved in the Camp of Climate Action. |
Floods and Forest Fires: Living the Climate Crisis
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Simon McKeown
Award-winning and internationally exhibiting artist with a focus on disability arts |
Fighting Disabled People's Exclusion
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Simran Uppal
Simran is a yoga teacher, student activist and queer South Asian poet from West London. They lead the ‘Queer Yoga Space’ at Yoga Quota, an Oxford-based organisation that uses community work and free classes to get the benefits of yoga where they’re most needed |
Decolonising Yoga
(Monday 09:00-10:30)
Siobhan Donnachie
Housing advisor and organiser with Greater Manchester Housing Action (GMHA) - a network of organisers and progressive academics who advocate and campaign for radical leftwing solutions to the housing crisis in Greater Manchester |
Rentquake: Strategies and Tactics for the New Private Renter Movement
(Sunday 15:00-16:30)
Siobhan McCready
Campaign for Socialism Trade Union officer |
Federalism and Other Opportunities
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Dr Sivan Kartha
Sivan Kartha is a Senior Scientist at SEI and co-leader of SEI’s Gender and Social Equality Programme. He is also co-Director of the Climate Equity Reference Project. His current work deals primarily with the economic, political, and ethical dimensions of equitably sharing the effort of an ambitious global response to climate change. He was also a lead author of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
Sacrifice Zones – Colonialism, Neoliberalism and Climate Change
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Sofia Brito
Activist in the Chilean student movement and feminist campaigner |
Feminism for the Many
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
Sonya Ward
Labour PPC for Mansfield and Leader of Mansfield District Council Labour Group. |
Painting the Towns Red
(Tuesday 09:00-10:30)
Sophie Hope
Lecturer in Arts Management at Birkbeck University |
A people powered manifesto for radical cultural democracy - what next?
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
St Ann’s Redevelopment Trust
StART is a group of Haringey residents and workers who want to see the St Ann’s Hospital site used permanently for the good of their local community. |
Cities in Common: Urban Resistance to Neoliberalism
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Steffan Blayney
Steffan Blayney is an editor at History Workshop Online and co-organiser of History Acts. |
You Can't Move History: Film Screening and Q&A
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Stephanie Kennedy
Journalist |
Making Media from the Grassroots Up
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Stephen Pritchard
Arts historian, writer, activist and artist |
A people powered manifesto for radical cultural democracy - what next?
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
Regenerating Regeneration
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Steve Battlemuch
Labour Councillor in Nottingham, PCS Official, and Chairman of Robin Hood Energy |
Communities in the Fight Against Climate Change
(Tuesday 17:30-19:00)
Steve Hudson
Organiser with Labour International |
Migrant Political Voices: Turning Up the Volume
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Stewart Lansley
Stewart Lansley is an economist and financial journalist. He is a visiting fellow at the School of Policy Studies, University of Bristol and a fellow at London's City University. He has written on inequality, wealth and poverty for academic and specialist journals as well as several newspapers. |
Update the Welfare State
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Stuart Maclure
Project manager at Long Live Southwark |
Creative Campaign Surgery with Long Live Southbank
(Saturday 13:00-16:00)
You Can't Move History: Film Screening and Q&A
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Sumerah Srivastav
Sumerah Srivastav is a playwright and screenwriter. For the screen she has written for EastEnders and her short film Origami, starring Nicholas Pinnock and Pearl Mackie, is currently in post-production. In 2017 she was identified as a rising star in the BBC’s New Talent Hotlist. This year she is as a BAFTA Crew participant and is due to complete MediaXchange and Creative Skillset’s Advanced Writing for TV drama programme. She is on Twitter @sumerahas and more info can be found at www.sumerah.com |
Representation in Film
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Susana Benavides
Member of the United Voices of the World union |
Migrant Political Voices: Turning Up the Volume
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Tahir Latif
Environmental campaigner and PCS activist |
Floods and Forest Fires: Living the Climate Crisis
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Ted Howard
Co-founder and President of The Democracy Collaborative, previously serving as the Executive Director of the National Center for Economic Alternatives |
Building Community Wealth in our Towns and Cities
(Saturday 13:00-14:30)
Terry Renshaw
Terry is the youngest of the 24 pickets and was given a suspended prison sentence after his conviction for unlawful assembly in March 1974. |
Class Justice
(Saturday 17:30-19:00)
Thomas Hanna
Research Director at Democracy Collaborative |
Taking What's Ours: Public Ownership from Below?
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Tim Roache
General Secretary of the GMB Union |
The Future of the Trade Unions
(Monday 17:30-19:00)
Tina Louise Rothery
Frack Free Lancashire |
Disrupting the Status Quo
(Sunday 09:00-10:30)
Tithi Bhattacharya
Professor of South Asian history and Director of Global Studies at Purdue university, Indiana |
Feminism for the Many
(Saturday 19:30-21:15)
I'm Literally a Communist: Marx at 200
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Toby Sinbad Walker
Toby Sinbad Walker is a Labour Party member, radio journalist and trans activist. He has organised protests for a better handling of trans stories by media platforms from which he expected better. He has also contributed to outlets such as PinkNews and TEDx, where his talk on trans healthcare reached 70,000 views on Youtube. |
Fighting for Trans Liberation
(Monday 19:30-21:15)
Tom Gann
General Editor and Theory & Strategy Co-Editor at the New Socialist |
Eco-Corbynism Reading Group
(Monday 11:00-12:30)
Eco-Corbynism Reading Group
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Eco-Corbynism Reading Group
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Floods and Forest Fires: Living the Climate Crisis
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Tom Kibasi
Director of IPPR |
Prosperity and Justice: A Plan for the New Economy
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Tom Mills
Lecturer at Aston University, the author of ‘The BBC: Myth of a Public Service’ and the co-presenter of the Media Democracy podcast. His academic work is centrally concerned with the ideas and practices of powerful groups and actors, and the social networks that influence policy making |
Occupy Fleet Street: How to Democratise the British Media
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Tracy Brabin MP
Labour and Co-operative MP for Batley & Spen, Shadow Minister for Early Years. |
Question Time: You Ask Them (8-18 years)
(Saturday 14:00-14:45)
Vijay Prashad
Indian historian and Marxist who is Director of the Tricontential Institute and Editor of LeftWord Books |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)
Empire 2.0
(Monday 15:00-16:30)
I'm Literally a Communist: Marx at 200
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Sacrifice Zones – Colonialism, Neoliberalism and Climate Change
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Wendy Liu
Economics co-editor at New Socialist |
I'm Literally a Communist: Marx at 200
(Sunday 17:30-19:00)
Occupy Fleet Street: How to Democratise the British Media
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Taking on the Tech Giants
(Tuesday 13:00-14:30)
Tech Workers' Inquiry
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Will Barker
Will Barker is from Leeds. He is a member of Plan C and co-creator of the Social Strike Game. |
Social Strike Game
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Will Stronge
Will is co-director of Autonomy, a think-tank concerned with the future of work. With Helen Hester, he is the co-author of the forthcoming primer Post-Work: what it is, why it matters and how we get there (Bloomsbury, 2019). |
A 4 Day Week: The Time is Now!
(Tuesday 15:00-16:45)
Cybernetic Socialism: Project Cybersyn in the 21st century
(Monday 13:00-14:30)
Update the Welfare State
(Saturday 11:00-12:30)
Yohann Koshy
New Internationalist co-editor |
An Internationalist Labour Party?
(Saturday 15:00-16:30)
Dr Youssef El-Gingihy
Author of How to Dismantle the NHS in 10 easy steps published by Zero books. He is a GP working at the Bromley by Bow centre in Tower Hamlets. He writes regularly for The Independent & other outlets. He also commentates on television. In 2016 he was appointed on to a Labour Party Nhs think-tank. He collaborated on a documentary on the NHS called Sell-Off. He studied medicine, neuroscience and English literature at Oxford University and King's College, London. |
A Global NHS? Public Services Across Borders
(Tuesday 11:00-12:30)
Zita Holbourne
Activist, author & artist and PCS national vice-president |
Black Women Transforming Politics
(Sunday 11:00-12:30)
Sacrifice Zones – Colonialism, Neoliberalism and Climate Change
(Sunday 13:00-14:30)
Zitto Kabwe
Party Leader, ACT Wazalendo. Member of Parliament, Tanzania. Zitto Kabwe studied economics, international trade and Law&Business in Tanzania and Germany. His expertise is in fiscal regimes of mining, oil and natural gas as well as governance of natural resources in sub-Saharan Africa. He is the longest serving Chairman of parliamentary Public Accounts committees in Tanzanian parliament known for his fight against corruption and holding government leaders to account. Since March 2015, Zitto is The Leader of a leftist ACT Wazalendo, a political party in Tanzania. |
None of Us Are Free Until We’re All Free: An Evening of Internationalism
(Sunday 19:30-23:30)